Malleable Instruments

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(Total Part Numbers : )
    Part No. Description Action
    07-793-56  Malleable Cup Forceps Rotation Type
    07-793-61  Malleable Scissors Rotation Type
    07-794-00  NIBS-Es Malleable Instruments Tray
    07-794-41  Malleable Dissector, 1.5mm Sharp, Str.
    07-794-42  Malleable Dissector, 1.5mm Dull, Str.
    07-794-43  Malleable Dissector, 1.5mm Sharp, Cvd.
    07-794-44  Malleable Dissector, 1.5mm Dull, Cvd.
    07-794-45  Malleable Dissector, 2.5mm Sharp, Str.
    07-794-46  Malleable Dissector, 2.5mm Dull, Str.
    07-794-47  Malleable Dissector, 2.5mm Sharp, Cvd.
    07-794-48  Malleable Dissector, 2.5mm Dull, Cvd.
    07-794-51  Malleable Dissector, 2.0mm Round Plate, Sharp, Str.
    07-794-52  Malleable Dissector, 2.0mm Round Plate, Sharp, Cvd.
    07-794-53  Malleable Dissector, 2.0mm Round Plate, Dull, Cvd.
    07-794-54  Malleable Dissector, 3.0mm Round Plate, Sharp, Str.
    07-794-55  Malleable Dissector, 3.0mm Round Plate, Sharp, Cvd.
    07-794-56  Malleable Dissector, 3.0mm Round Plate, Dull, Cvd.
    07-794-61  Malleable Ring Dissector, 5.0mm Cvd, Up
    07-794-62  Malleable Ring Dissector, 5.0mm Cvd, Sideway
    07-794-63  Malleable Ring Dissector, 7.0mm Cvd, Up
    07-794-64  Malleable Ring Dissector, 7.0mm Cvd, Sideway
    07-794-81  Malleable Hook, Sharp
    07-794-85  Keyhole Ligation Instrument
    07-794-87  Keyhole Measure
    07-794-91  Malleable Suction Tube, 6Fr, Str, SUS
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    (Total Part Numbers : )

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